Peri Steam Bath
Energy Exchange

The womb, the center of your Yoniverse, holds immense power and connection. It is not only the space where life is created but also a source from which new ideas, projects, future careers, good health, and healing can be birthed. One practice that honors and nurtures the womb is a peri steam, also known as Bajos.
During a peri steam treatment, a woman sits or squats over steaming water infused with herbs. This gentle steam bath provides deep penetration and cleansing without spreading bacteria further through the reproductive system, unlike douching. The selected herbs work to promote blood circulation and oxygenation to the reproductive system, bringing warmth and revitalization to the uterus.
The use of steaming herbs varies for each client, as they are chosen to support and heal our feminine cycles and stages of life. This practice of steaming is rooted in the wisdom of our ancestors, who recognized the importance of nurturing and caring for our wombs. My approach to Bajos is influenced by the traditional Mexica way, passed down to me by esteemed healers and teachers. I also bring my own wisdom and experiences to the practice, combining traditional teachings with my personal insights.
By embracing the ritual of peri steam, we honor the sacredness of our bodies and tap into the wisdom of our lineage. It is a powerful tool for reconnecting with our feminine essence, promoting balance, and supporting overall well-being.

Regulates Menses
Release cellular Memories
Promotes healing after childbirth
Reducing menstrual symptoms, such as bloating,cramps,exhaustion, and heavy bleeding
Boosts fertility
Vaginal Dryness
Lymphatic help
Promotes healthy PH balance
Increases libido
Eases discomfort and reduces uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts
uterine weakness, uterine prolapsed endometriosis
Relief for symptoms of menopause

Womb Connection Private Class
6 person minimum
Energy Exchange $44
I would be honored to join you in discussing the importance of connecting with and honoring our sacred wombs. Together, we can explore various tools and techniques that can aid in the healing of our wombs, including herbs, yoni eggs, menstrual cups, peri steams, and more.
During our discussions, we will delve into the profound significance of womb healing and how it can have a ripple effect, positively impacting not only ourselves but also our mothers, grandmothers, and sisters. The healing journey is a powerful opportunity to reconnect with our maternal wisdom and tap into the deep well of wisdom that resides within us.
Each class will be a unique and intimate experience, guided by the healing energies and intentions present in the group. We will share in conversations filled with love, positive energy, and transformative information that will assist us in reclaiming our connection to our sacred feminine power. To further enhance our healing journey, each class will conclude with an invigorating Bajo, or peri steam.
By joining together in these sacred spaces, we create a supportive community where we can learn, grow, and heal. Our discussions will encompass a wide range of topics, allowing us to explore the multifaceted aspects of womb healing and embrace the profound beauty of our feminine essence.
If there are specific areas of womb healing you would like to focus on or if you have any questions, please let me know. I am excited to embark on this empowering and transformative journey with you.
Additional mileage charge for classes out of San Jose.
Contact me directly for information.

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Letting go and making way for new beginnings.